Click on each title below to open / close the FAQs for that topic. NOTE: If there is a discrepancy between the FAQs here and MCCA’s Governing Documents, the legal documents prevail.
Q: Who sends in covenant complaints on properties?
A: Most covenant complaints are filed by the volunteer members of the Covenant Committee. Each group of volunteers inspects approximately 400 houses on a monthly basis. A smaller percentage of covenant complaints are turned in by home owners. Complaints must be submitted in writing, either on our Covenant Enforcement Request Form, or via email to While we keep the names of complainants confidential, we do not accept anonymous “tips”. When you submit a covenant complaint, you must include your name and address as well as the address of the property you are reporting.
Q: Is there a leash law in MCCA?
A: Yes, MCCA covenants state that owners must keep their pets on a leash at all times, which is also consistent with city code. The city of Mill Creek has a brochure with information on what to do if you see animals off leash, as well as other related animal control regulations.
You can find a list of off-leash parks in our area at
Q: Is there a covenant about noise in MCCA?
A: MCCA has an Excessive Noise Policy relating to late night parties. In summary, residents who host parties producing excessive noise past 9 PM are in violation and may be invited to a Covenant Hearing Board meeting where they may be assessed a fine — $50 for the first violation, doubling for each subsequent incident during any one year, up to a maximum of $1,000. The full language of this policy, including process and fines, can be found in our Governing Documents, section 7.1.3. Residents may submit a noise complaint using our standard Covenant Enforcement Request Form. The City of Mill Creek also has Noise Regulations that cover construction, music, auto, and other noises.
Q: I am planning to re-roof my house using an MCCA approved material, and my contractor has obtained a permit from the City of Mill Creek. Am I required to obtain MCCA approval as well?
Q: What happens if I do not get MCCA approval for my project?
A: MCCA could put a stop work order on your project that might cause significant delays. If the project is completed without a permit, you would be required to submit the application after-the-fact and correct any deficiencies, including removing any unapproved materials and/or work. Failure to correct the deficiencies could result in a fine and a lien being placed on your house.
Q: Do I need an MCCA permit to repaint my house if it will be the same color?
A: Yes. You may, however, perform maintenance painting on a portion of your house using the same color(s) without submitting an application.
Q: Do I need MCCA approval to trim/prune a tree in my yard?
A: You may perform minor trimming/pruning on any trees on your property without a permit. You must submit an application for any trimming that will affect the appearance of your tree(s).
Q: Do I need a permit to remove a tree?
A: An approved Tree Removal Application is required for all trees that are 8 inches in diameter, or 25 inches in circumference, and larger when measured 3 feet above the ground.
Q: Which trees are the protected native trees?
A: A protected native tree is a Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock, White Pine, or Douglas Fir tree that existed prior to the development of MCCA homes. All trees planted after home construction are considered landscape trees.
Q: What happens if I cut a tree on my property without MCCA approval?
A: You could be fined $1,000, in addition to being required to replace the tree.
Q: I am replacing my deck because it is rotten. Do I need a MCCA permit?
A: Yes. Replacing a deck, fence, or other outside structure requires MCCA approval. Minor maintenance on an existing exterior structure does not.
Q: I want to remove a rhododendron in my yard that has grown too big. Do I need a MCCA approval?
A: No, removing and/or replacing a shrub does not require MCCA approval. Significant changes that affect the overall appearance of your landscaping does require submitting an ACC application, and ACC approval.
Q: Can I landscape into the common area if I’m willing to maintain it?
A: No, but you may apply for MCCA approval. The Board of Directors must approve any changes to MCCA common properties.
Q: Can I install a play structure or trampoline in my yard for my kids?
A: You must submit an ACC application. Approval will depend upon the location, visibility from your neighbors’ property visibility from the street, noise potential, etc.
Q: Can I make changes to my project once I obtain MCCA approval?
A: You are required to obtain approval for any changes to your approved project. These would include changing the size, location of your structure, or the appearance of your structure. Failure to do so could result in costly modifications later.
Q: What if I want to use a material not on the MCCA approved list?
A: You may apply for approval to use a new material not currently approved by MCCA. You will most likely be required to submit samples with the application. Approval may take significantly longer if the Architectural Control Committee needs to look at installations in other areas the material has been used.
Q: Do I need to apply to install a radio antenna?
A: Yes. Please pick a spot that is as aesthetically pleasing as possible and not easily visible from the road.
Q: Do I need to apply to install a satellite dish?
A: Yes. Please an installation spot on or around your home that is as aesthetically pleasing as possible, such as on the side of your home under the eaves. Please ensure as much as possible that the dish is not visible from the road.
Q: I have a window air conditioning (A/C) unit; where can I install it?
A: All mechanical equipment must be shielded from view of the road and other properties. Installation of A/C units in windows rarely meets the shielded from view requirements.
Q: Who is responsible for maintaining the neighborhood entries?
A: The entries of the single-family home neighborhoods are maintained by MCCA. Many of the entries have also been “adopted” by one or more residents in that neighborhood. This means these residents supplement the landscaping done by MCCA maintenance by adding seasonal flowers, pruning shrubs, etc. If you would like to enquire about your entry, please contact us. The entries of our townhome, condo, and apartment communities are maintained by the sub-HOA for that community.
Q: Who is responsible for the main roadway entrances to MCCA?
A: The delineation between MCCA common area, homeowner area, sub-association area, and city area is often difficult to decipher. To get a general idea, please consult the MCCA trail map, where all the common areas are shown in a light green color. For more detailed information you can contact the MCCA office or the City of Mill Creek.
Q: Who is responsible for street paving, raised street markers, street sweeping and snow removal?
A: All the roads within MCCA are owned and maintained by the City of Mill Creek. The City of Mill Creek is responsible for all aspects of roadway maintenance, including paving, replacing markers, street sweeping and snow removal. Some sub-Associations within MCCA have private roads that they are responsible for maintaining. Contact the applicable sub-Association to find out about their roads.
Q: Who is responsible for snow removal from walkways?
A: If you have a walkway or landscaped area running between your yard and the street curb, it is your responsibility to maintain that area, including snow removal.
Q: Who is responsible for maintaining landscaping?
A: Each homeowner and each sub-association is responsible for maintaining the landscaping on their property. MCCA staff maintain the landscaping in the common areas including parks, entries to single family home neighborhoods, roadsides, and the Nature Preserve. Areas maintained by MCCA are a light green color on the MCCA trail map.
Q: Who is responsible for maintaining the planted area between my back fence and the street curb?
A: If the planted area is on your property, owners are responsible for maintaining the property all the way to the street curb (front, side, or back), regardless of where a fence may be placed within the property line.
Q: Who is responsible for maintaining signage?
A: Entry signs to single family home divisions and signs within MCCA parks are maintained by MCCA. Entry signs in townhouse, condo, and apartment entries are maintained by those sub-HOAs. All street signage including crosswalk, stop signs, speed limit signs, street signs, and no parking signs, are owned and maintained by the City of Mill Creek.
Q: How do you decide where garbage cans and Mutt Mitt stations are placed?
A: In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, MCCA purchased 10 new garbage cans and Mutt Mitt dispensers. We plan to have a garbage can and Mutt Mitt dispenser in each playground area, as well as along key roadside areas. If you know of a spot where you feel a garbage can is needed, please contact us with your request for consideration. Please note that MCCA cannot install these stations on city property.
Q: Is there a process in effect for maintaining all the trails?
A: There are over 16 miles of concrete and asphalt trails within MCCA. MCCA Maintenance blows trails on a regular basis. The frequency of this activity changes with the season, fall being the busiest time of the year. In the spring and fall, the maintenance department uses a power brush to sweep the trails for moss. Inspections and Engineering Committee members complete annual inspections of all MCCA neighborhoods and make note of items along the trails that require attention. These items include trip hazards, broken concrete, vegetation encroachment, etc. Every year, the Board of Directors allocates funds used for trail repair and replacement. The MCCA Association Director gathers information from the Maintenance Department, and the Inspections and Engineering Committee to prioritize repairs for the year.
Q: Which parks belong to MCCA and which parks belong to Mill Creek?
A: All the parks owned by MCCA are colored light green on the MCCA trail map. Heron Park, Cougar Park, and Hillside Park are owned and maintained by the City of Mill Creek. A complete list of city parks and their amenities can be found on the City of Mill Creek website.
Q: Is there a process for maintaining all the pocket parks?
A: MCCA Maintenance has a weekly mowing schedule for all parks. The Maintenance Department also inspects playground equipment annually. Replacement parts are ordered and installed in the spring. In early Spring the Maintenance Department pressure washes playground equipment and park furniture. Inspections and Engineering Committee members also complete annual inspections of each MCCA neighborhood and pocket park. The notes from these inspections are sent to the Maintenance Department, where they prioritize and schedule all repairs and maintenance tasks. The Noxious Weed Committee holds weekly events to remove ivy from trees within MCCA parks and common areas. Twice a month, this committee holds park clean up days where they work to remove blackberries and other invasive species from our park areas. The Maintenance Department assists by removing piles of brush and providing arborist chips for the Noxious Weed Committee to spread. Contact the Noxious Weed Committee to find out more or to volunteer.
Q: Is there a process in effect for maintaining all the MCCA roadside vegetation?
A: During the peak growing season, the MCCA roadsides are mowed on a weekly basis. In the fall, the roadside areas are blown weekly and more as needed to keep leaves off the grass. Leaves are blown into the tree line to deliver nutrients to the trees. During summer months the Maintenance Department uses our summer staff to tackle the blackberries and other invasive species that grow within the roadside areas. MCCA staff are constantly monitoring the trees along the roadsides and remove hazardous trees as needed all year long. If you see a tree along the roadside that concerns you, please contact the MCCA office. The Inspections and Engineering Committee inspects all roadside areas annually. The notes from these inspections are sent to the Maintenance Department where they prioritize and schedule all repairs and maintenance.
Q: Why are the roadside areas and other buffer zones not maintained to the same standards as we are asked to maintain our own private property?
A: As defined on the MCCA Land Use Map, roadside and buffer areas are typically located adjacent to our roadsides and parks. Primarily due to costs and infrastructure design, these areas are not designed to be manicured or receive a high level of maintenance. Roadside grass areas do not contain irrigation and do not receive any regular application of herbicide or fertilizer. The maintenance that these areas receive is regular brush line trimming to maintain access for MCCA mowers, prevent encroachment of the buffer area, and maintain sight lines to keep the area safe. Safety is the biggest factor in roadside and buffer area maintenance.
For more information, please reference the MCCA Maintenance Service Level Agreement and Land Use Map available on our website.
Q: Do you still check for open garage doors?
Yes we do. Please make sure the office has a current phone number on file you would like called for open garage doors.
Q: What does security actually do?
A: We patrol 6 townhome communities, 15 condominium communities, 5 apartment complexes, 25 single family divisions. We visit most communities twice each shift. We offer security checks for residents who are out of town, or have homes for sale. We also pick up and store packages etc. for these residents. We also do welfare checks and provide a general security presence.
Q: How many security people do you have on staff?
A: We have two full time employees and five part time or fill in drivers.
A: MCCA includes the following amenities:
160 Acres of common area
21 Park areas
12 Playgrounds
16+ miles of trails
120 acre Nature Preserve with fish ladder and dam
A: MCCA, the Mill Creek Country Club, the Swim Club, and the Tennis Club are all separate entities. To inquire about membership, please contact each club individually.
Q: Are there off-leash areas in MCCA or close by?
A: Although there is not an off-leash area within MCCA, there are several off-leash areas close by that your pets will love. You can find a list with directions at
Q: Can I feed the animals?
A: Feeding the animals in any MCCA Common Area is not allowed. In your own yard, please be advised that feeding wildlife has unintended consequences.
The MCCA office wants to remind our residents that although feeding the ducks, geese, birds and squirrels that abound in our area may seem harmless, these actions have unintended consequences that negatively impact wildlife, and our residents.
The US Department of Fish and Wildlife cautions that feeding waterfowl can cause dependency on people for food, conflict with people, and spread disease. Duck and goose droppings carry a wide variety of pathogens that are harmful to humans. In addition, any scraps left behind attract rats, raccoons and other animals to the area. Both rats and raccoons carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. Even after the animals leave the area, their droppings are dangerous long after they have dried up.
Q: Who do I call if I see a wild animal in trouble?
A: If you see an injured animal, or an animal in distress, call PAWS/Wildlife Division
15305 44th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA
425-787-2500 x 817.
Q: Who is responsible for cleaning up dead animals?
A: If the animal is in your yard, place it in a garbage bag and put it in your trash container.
If the animal is in MCCA Common Area, please contact the MCCA office.
If the animal is on city property, such as the street, please contact the City of Mill Creek (425-745-1891).
Q: How much is the annual assessment (dues)?
A: The amount of the assessment is adjusted annually, so it is hard to say what dues will be for the coming year, but we try to keep increases to a minimum. In July 2020, single-family homes were assessed at a rate of $526 for the year. Townhouses are assessed at 75% of that rate ($394) per unit, and condominiums and apartment complexes at 50% of that rate ($263) per unit.
Q: Does MCCA perform a Reserve Study?
A: In accordance with RCW 64.90.550, MCCA has a full Reserve Study completed every three years, with annual updates in between. MCCA has contracted with Association Reserves to perform this task. The Reserve Study helps us identify what major repairs and replacements we need and gives us an estimate of how much they will cost and when they will occur. We use this plan to prevent the need for a special assessment.
The Reserve Study also evaluates the current strength of our Reserve Fund (percent funded) and recommends a multi-year funding plan. This forecasting helps ensure that MCCA has adequate funds to maintain all our physical assets, and that the costs are equitably shared by current Association residents, as well as past, and future residents. Current and future residents can use the percent funded estimate to determine the likelihood of a special assessment.
Q: How do I pay my dues?
A: Assessment billings are sent to property owners well in advance of the July 1 due date. You may either pay by check as instructed on the bill, or online through your PayHOA account.
Q: When are the assessments due?
A: All assessments are due annually on July 1. Late fees are applied to accounts in arrears on August 1 annually. The date of your assessment payment is the date that is received at the MCCA office or is paid through your PayHOA account.
Q: What are the late fees?
A: If your payment is received after July 31, at $25 late fee is added to the amount due.
Q: Do I really have to pay the late fee?
A: Yes. If your payment is not received in the MCCA office or through PayHOA before August 1, you must pay the late fee in addition to the annual assessment to bring your account up to date.
Q: What if I don’t pay the assessment or the late fee?
A: Beginning on August 1, each month your account is in arrears you will be charged a $25 late fee. If your account is still in arrears as of October 1, a lien will be applied and any lien fees will be charged back to the account as well.