The Mill Creek Community Association (MCCA) was formed as a home owners association on December 24, 1974 by United Development Corporation (UDC), the builder of the original planned residential development (PRD). MCCA has since expanded past the original PRD by annexing several adjacent developments.
MCCA is directed by a seven-member board of directors. The board represents the association members in policy-making decisions. The board of directors, staff, and members are legally bound to operate in accordance with the governing documents.
Anyone who purchases a home, townhouse, condominium, or apartment complex within the Mill Creek Community Association is a voting member of MCCA. Governing Documents, including By-Laws and Restrictive Covenants, are provided to each property owner as part of their deed. Copies are also available at the MCCA office. An annual assessment (dues) funds all operations of the association. All residents of MCCA, whether owners or renters, must abide by our covenants and by-laws.
MCCA’s Board of Directors and various committees review architectural aesthetics, enforce restrictive covenants, maintain common property, and provide a security patrol. Common property owned by the association includes the various green spaces, 21 pocket parks, 12 play areas, 16-plus miles of trails connecting the various divisions and a 120-plus acre nature preserve. MCCA Security patrols the community every day of the year.
Our Mission
MCCA is a membership organization primarily dedicated to protecting the value and desirability of members’ property by maintaining the natural beauty of the common areas. Additionally, MCCA strives to foster a sense of community among members by enhancing their security, civic, social and recreational interests.