Important Dates May & June

We have some important events coming up in May. Please mark your calendars!

May 4 – MCCA Garage Sale Day. Refer to the April MillStream for donation options.

May 9 & 10 – Arborist Day. Our spots are filled!

May 15 – MCCA Board Meeting at 2 pm in the MCCA board room.

May 15 – City Chat Open House 5:30 – 7:00 pm – City Hall North. Complete with refreshments and raffle prizes! Visit the city website for more information.

May 27 – Memorial Day. MCCA office closed.

May 30 – MCCA Sub-Association Meeting, which is open to all sub-association board members, will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Mill Creek Country Club. If you are a board member and are unaware of the new legislation that applies to heat pumps, occupancy limits, record keeping, childcare, The Corporate Transparency Act, and more, this is the meeting for you. Please RSVP

June 1 – National Trail Day. Photo Scavenger Hunt in the Nature Preserve. Please see our website for more details.

June 17-21 – Beautiful Yard Awards. Our volunteers will hand out awards for the most beautiful front yards. Get your lawns and gardens ready!

Budget Ratification Meeting Results

Thank you to all who attended the 2024 Budget Ratification Meeting and took the time to send in your vote.

The vote results are posted below. You can also read the Minutes and the Q&A Summary.

As stated in our Budget Newsletter and at the budget meeting, our Governing Documents (Bylaws article X section 10.2(a)) and state statute RCW 64.90.525 (section 1(a)) provide the following rule for budget ratification:

“Unless at that (budget) meeting the unit owners of units to which a majority of the votes in the association are allocated or any larger percentage specified in the declaration reject the budget, the budget and the assessments against the units included in the budget are ratified, whether or not a quorum is present.”

The MCCA has 3638 units that are weighted according to assessment level, as indicated in the table below. After the ballots are weighted according to assessment levels, the MCCA has a total voting power of 2638.75. This means a majority vote to reject the budget needs to be more than 50% of the total voting power or 1320 votes.

Unit TypeAssessment / Vote WeightTotal UnitsTotal Weighted UnitsWeighted YesWeighted No
Total 36382683.75862.7593.5

The 2024 Proposed Budget received 862.75 Yes votes and 93.5 No votes.

The No votes did not achieve the required threshold of 1320 votes so the budget was ratified by the members according to our Governing Documents and state statutes.

Locking Mailboxes

Due to the rise in mail theft over the past years, MCCA recommends that all residents replace the standard black mailbox with a locking mailbox.

Mail Boss 7106
Mail Boss 7106

The MCCA-approved locking mailboxes are the Mail Boss 7106 in black or the Oasis Tribolt XL in black. You can purchase your locking mailbox online at Amazon. When you receive your mailbox, please contact the MCCA office and we can schedule our maintenance department to help you with installation. MCCA maintenance will only install the MCCA approved mailboxes.

NOTE: None of our kiosk mailboxes, locking or standard, are secure for outgoing mail. To further protect from identity theft and fraud, we suggest that you place outgoing mail in a locked USPS collection box for pick up. You can search the USPS website for the location of nearby collection boxes.

Oasis Tribolt XL